10 Most Popular Crash Bandicoot Characters

Crash Bandicoot is a game series created by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin while working at Naughty Dog and first published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for Sony's Playstation.

This game tells the story of Crash's adventure which is usually located on the island of Wumpa to stop Cortex's ambitions. During the adventure, he is often attacked by minions from Cortex. In general, these games are usually themed adventure. However, there are also Crash Bandicoot games that take the theme of racing, such as CTR (Crash Team Racing), etc.

Well, for those of you who have played this game before, maybe you are familiar with the following characters. I think this character is most popular and iconic in this game. Who do you think they are? Let's just talk about it together.

10. Dr. Nefarious Tropy

This character is also an old friend of Uka Uka and he claims to be the master of time. He has a crazy obsession with time as well as time traveling. N. Tropy also has quantum technology that allows it to control time. Unfortunately, he has a major weakness which is that he gets angry easily and is also impatient. He also carries two giant forks that he usually uses to create energy waves.

9. Pura

Pura is a cute tiger who was first introduced in Crash Bandicoot: Warped. He helps Coco Bandicoot in completing the Orient Express and Midnight Run levels located on the Great Wall of China. Pura also has a gentle demeanor and often licks Coco's face after the two of them get past the obstacle.

8. Polar

Polar is a polar bear that appears in the Crash Bandicoot series. He often helps Crash in passing various obstacles on the frozen path. Crash often uses Polar as a means of transportation, he also looks very innocent and cute and has ordinary intelligence like a domestic dog. However, he can turn aggressive in certain situations.

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7. Dingodile

Dingodile is also one of Dr. Cortex. He has a quite unique appearance because it is a combination of a dinosaur and a crocodile. In addition, he also has a firearm that he uses to attack. Throughout the Ice Age story, he is assigned to defeat the Crash Bandicoot. However, he was defeated by Crash. When defeated, he warns Crash that there is an enemy more dangerous than him.

6. Tiny Tiger

Tiny Tiger is a Tasmanian lion who is also a subordinate of Dr. Cortex. He is given the task of defeating Crash and capturing him to bring to Dr. Cortex. He is one of the enemies of Crash Bandicoot which is quite strong. Despite his stout and fierce appearance, Crash didn't have much trouble defeating Tiny Tiger.

5. Coco Bandicoot

Well, this character is the younger sister of Crash Bandicoot. Like her older brother, Coco has a heroic and fearless personality. She is even willing to help her family in saving the world from evil. In addition, she is also very fond of watching martial arts movies, wrestling, and also NASCAR.

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4. Dr. N. Gin

Dr. N. Gin is the right hand of Dr. Neo Cortex.  He was once involved in a missile-building project. However, due to budget constraints, the project failed and the missile stuck in his head. With his intelligence, Dr. N. Gin was able to stabilize the weapon at the expense of his sanity. Unfortunately, the missile will activate when he is angry or stressed that makes him have a headache.

3. Aku Aku

Aku Aku  may already be familiar to those of you who used to often play this game. He is the guardian of Wimpa Island as well as a father figure to Crash Bandicoot and his friends. Aku Aku is the spirit of an ancient shaman who lives in a wooden mask. To stop Dr. Cortex, he made copies of himself to help with Crash's adventures. When Crash wears the Aku Aku mask, he will be immune to attacks from enemies.

2. Dr. Neo Cortex

Dr. Neo Cortex is the biggest enemy Crash has to defeat in this series. He is told as a mad scientist who intends to dominate the world. For that, he cooperates with a masked magician named Uka Uka. In addition, he also conducted experiments on local animals to be used as combat troops.

Cortex's main motivation to rule the world is that he wants revenge because in the past he has been the subject of bullying. Not only that, he also has a very high ego that makes him blind and has delusions that he is liked by everyone. However, the ambition of Cortex will not be realized because there is a Crash Bandicoot who is able to stop it.

1. Crash Bandicoot

Crash Bandicoot is the main character of this game. He is the result of genetic engineering Evolve Ray conducted by Dr. Neo Cortex. Before leaving the Cortex island fortress, he is a romantic character towards a woman named Tawna, who is also one of Cortex's experimental subjects. In addition, Crash is also a sensitive character because he laughs easily and also gets sad easily.

As a form of revenge against Dr. Cortex, Crash went on an adventure to the island of Wumpa. He also intends to save Tawna and stop Cortex's ambition to dominate the world. During his adventure, Crash must defeat his enemies. Some of his unique attacks are that he spins like a tornado or jumps at his enemy.

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