Bleach: Menos Grande's Classification, Explained

Unlike Hollows in general, Menos Grande is the combination of hundreds or more Hollows that become one. Menos are created when a Hollow begins to eat on another Hollow until the Hollow evolves to a higher level.

Interestingly, Menos is divided into three levels or categories based on the characteristics of each. For more detailed information, let's check the reviews in the following article!

1. Gillian

Gillian is the first level of the giant Menos. In addition, Gillian is very slow and lacks intelligence. Nonetheless, Gillian's strength is still worthy of reckoning.

To a captain-level Shinigami, Gillian might not be a serious threat. However, Gillian is a challenge for Shinigami at lieutenant level or below. Most Shinigami can only see Gillian through textbooks in Soul Society.

2. Adjuchas

Adjuchas are the second type of Menos. Although Adjuchas' body is much smaller than Gillian's, Adjuchas has a higher level of intelligence. In addition, the number of Adjuchas is smaller than Gillian's.

In terms of strength, Adjuchas is certainly stronger than Gillian. Moreover, they are able to force the Gillians into the battlefield. Because of that, Adjuchas are able to make a lot of trouble for a captain-class Shinigami.

3. Vasto Lorde

Vasto Lorde is the third categorie of Menos and is arguably the highest evolutionary level of Hollows. In terms of numbers, Vasto Lorde is very little compared to the previous two types of Menos.

Even so, Vasto Lorde has a power so terrible that it exceeds the strength of the Shinigami captains. As evidence, most Espada members were Vasto Lorde before removing their masks and transforming into Arrancar. 

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