10 Strongest Rider/Oni in Kamen Rider Hibiki

In the story of Kamen Rider Hibiki, Riders are known as Oni. Those who turn into Oni have a big responsibility to eradicate the threat from the monster named Makamou.

Although there are many Oni mentioned in the story, we would like to review the 10 most powerful Oni Riders in Kamen Rider Hibiki's story. Check out the direct review below!

1. Kamen Rider Hibiki

Hitoshi Hidaka aka Hibiki is a strong and tough Oni in the fight against Makamou. In addition, Hibiki always trains from time to time so that he can grow strong. He is also considered a mentor by the other Oni.

To transform into an Oni, Hibiki uses a special tool called Henshin Onsa Onkaku. He uses an interesting weapon in the form of a drummer. He is also able to evolve into a more powerful form, namely Hibiki Kurenai and Armed Hibiki.

2. Kamen Rider Ibuki

Before turning into an Oni, Ibuki was known as Iori Izumi. He was among the young Oni, but he showed great skill in fighting. He used to help Hibiki to defeat the Makamou.

Unlike Hibiki, Ibuki transforms by utilizing Henshin Onibue Onteki. In addition, he wields a unique weapon that functions like a trumpet. With that weapon, he is able to issue a very powerful sound attack.

3. Kamen Rider Todoroki

When he was still a human, Todoroki had the real name Tomizo Todayama. He is a student of Zanki. At first, he had the honor of inheriting the name Zanki. However, he prefers to fight as Todoroki.

Todoroki transforms into an Oni by using a special bracelet called Henshin Kigen Onjou. He uses an interesting weapon in the form of a guitar. With this weapon, he is able to issue very powerful electricity-based attacks.

4. Kamen Rider Zanki

Zaomaru Zaitsuhara aka Zanki is Todoroki's mentor and Hibiki's senior. He is an Oni who is very experienced in eradicating Makamou. However, he decided to retire after he was seriously injured.

When transformed into an Oni, Zanki's appearance is very similar to Todoroki. However, Zanki has a color that is identical to bronze. In addition, Zanki's fighting style is also the same as Todoroki's.

5. Kamen Rider Shuki

Shiori Shinagawa is the mentor of the powerful Zanki. As an Oni, she is better known by the nickname Shuki. In order to avenge her family, she decides to fight against Makamaou.

Shuki transforms into Oni by using a special bracelet called Henshin Kigen Onjou. She is very strong because she is able to manipulate fire and electricity in battle. In the story, she had used a special armor called Armor of the Ogre.

6. Kamen Rider Kabuki

Kabuki is the main enemy who appears in the film Kamen Rider Hibiki And The 7 Senki. He turned evil after he received rejection from humans. That's what made him cooperate with Makamou.

To change, Kabuki uses a special tool called Henshin Onsa. It has a design inspired by Kabuki actors. In terms of strength, he is very skilled in kenjutsu techniques, aka the art of the sword.

7. Kamen Rider Touki

Touki is an Oni who plays an important role in the story of Kamen Rider Hibiki And The 7 Senki. He is known as a monk who often prays in a temple. In addition, he has a face that is very similar to Zanki.

Just like Hibiki, Touki uses Henshin Onsa Ongaku to turn into Oni. It has a design with a bear motif. In addition, he uses an interesting weapon in the form of a mace called Ongekikanabou Retto.

8. Kamen Rider Kirameki

Like the previous two Oni, Kirameki appears exclusively in the story Kamen Rider Hibiki And The 7 Senki. He was considered a coward because he had briefly abandoned Touki in the battle against Makamou.

Kirameki transforms into Oni using Henshin Onsa Ongaku. It has a yokai shachihoko motif with shiny gold armor. In addition, he has a unique cymbal-shaped weapon called the Ongekicymbal Retsuban.

9. Kamen Rider Nisshiki

Nisshiki is an Oni who fought in the story Kamen Rider Hibiki And The 7 Senki. He uses the power of Oni to carry out his actions as a thief. However, he was determined not to kill anyone.

As an Oni, Nisshiki looks really cool with a tiger motif. He transforms using Henshin Onsa. In fighting, he uses a special stick called the Ongekitriangle Resetsu.

10. Kamen Rider Habataki

Habataki is the last Oni to appear exclusively in Kamen Rider Hibiki And The 7 Senki. He had stopped being an Oni and decided to live a quiet life as a farmer with his family.

Just like Nisshiki, Habataki turns into an Oni by using Henshin Onsa. As an Oni, Habataki has an owl motif. He has a special weapon in the form of a golden flute called Ongekiflute Rekku.

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