15 Best Battlizers in Power Rangers, Ranked

Battlizer is an interesting device or power-up designed specifically for the Red Ranger. By utilizing the Battlizer, the Red Ranger is able to use a very strong combat armor and is equipped with interesting weapons.

In this article, we want to discuss a list of the Battlizers in the entire story of Power Rangers. Check the information below!

15. Red Sentinel Ranger (Power Rangers Operation Overdrive)

The Red Sentinel Ranger is a form of power-up that Mack Hartford accesses after he merge with Sentinel Knight. Basically, this Battlizer is intentionally designed for Mack which has an android body.

In this form, Mack is able to use the Sentinel Sword in combat. He is able to use the sword to attack the enemy instantly. In addition, his other ability stats also increased.

13. Trans-Armor Cycle (Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue)

In the Lightspeed Rescue story, Carter Grayson has a unique motorbike called the Red Lightspeed Cycle. In addition to functioning as a personal vehicle, the motorbike can be used as armor called the Trans-Armor Cycle.

The motorcycle parts will separate and form armor with advanced weaponry, such as launchers and blasters. Nonetheless, Carter needed time to experiment until he was able to fully control the power.

12. S.P.D. Battlizer (Power Rangers S.P.D.)

S.P.D. The Battlizer was developed by Kat Manx based on technology from the future Omega Morpher. In addition, this Battlizer also utilizes R.I.C. which later served as armor for the Red Ranger.

In addition to getting additional armor, the Red Ranger will get a weapon called the Energy Sword. This battlizer has two combat modes, namely Cyber ​​Mode and Sonic Mode which can be accessed as needed.

11. Red Savage Warrior (Power Rangers Wild Force)

When his friends were in danger, Cole managed to get additional power from Falconzord so he got a new armor called Animarium Armor. With that armor, Cole can fight as a Red Savage Warrior.

In this form, Cole is seen equipped with a pair of wings that have many uses. In addition to functioning to fly, these wings can be used as a protector as well as a weapon to attack the opponent.

11. Quantum Megabattle Armor (Power Rangers Time Force)

Quantum Ranger is a very special Sixth Ranger because he has characteristics similar to the Red Ranger. He has very interesting weapons and Zord. In addition, he also has access to use the Megabattle Armor.

The armor gives the Quantum Ranger a significant additional power. In addition, he is equipped with various weapons features along with wings that function to fly. With this armor, he was able to defeat giant mutants.

10. Red Battlized Armor (Power Rangers In Space)

Andros is the first Red Ranger to gain access to the Battlizer armor in battle. Thanks to the help of this Battlizer, Andros managed to change the battle situation and defeated one of Astronema's generals named Vansacker.

To activate the Red Battlized Armor, Andros needs to press the 03 button on his Battlizer. After that, he will get armor that looks muscular and powerful weaponry. It is also equipped with wings that are useful for air combat.

9. Red Fury Mode (Power Rangers Beast Morphers)

Red Fury Mode is a Battlizer that only Devon Daniels can access temporarily. Devon is able to enter Red Fury Mode after he obtains a cell from a monster known as Fury Cell.

This Battlizer does give Devon a tremendous additional power. However, it has a big risk if it is used for too long. The effect is that he can lose control and turn into an evil person.

8. Battle Warrior Armor (Power Rangers Time Force)

In Time Force, Wesley Collins/Red Ranger had time to face a strong enemy named the Black Knight. He is interested in opening a mysterious box containing super powers. However, the box can only be opened by someone with a clean heart.

Wesley managed to open the contents of the box so he got the power to access the Battle Warrior Armor. In this form, Wesley looks like a medieval knight with a very strong golden sword.

7. Red Armored Ranger (Power Rangers Lost Galaxy)

In the battle against Trakeena's subordinate monsters, Leo Corbett had lost his power to morph. Thanks to Karone's help, Leo manages to recover his morpher until he gains access to new powers.

By activating the Battlizer, Leo is able to use an advanced gray armor equipped with a very powerful blaster. Unfortunately, the armor was destroyed when he fought Trakeena in the final battle.

6. Tri-Battlized Armor (Power Rangers Ninja Storm)

When he was young, Shane Clark had time to save an alien named Skyla. After being saved by Shane, Skyla also gave a gift in the form of a Battlizer. With this device, Shane was able to access the Tri-Battlizer Armor.

The armor has two combat modes, namely Ground Mode and Flight Mode. This gives Shane various advantages in ground and air combat. In addition, the Battlizer allows Shane to defeat enemies as strong as Vexacus.

5. Triassic Battlizer (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)

Although Connor had doubts about himself as a Ranger, Tommy managed to convince Connor to let go of his negative thoughts. After Connor regained his confidence, he was able to use the power of the Battlizer.

The Triassic Battlizer is a special armor that Connor McKnight accesses by harnessing the power of the Mezodon. With his new form, Connor is able to issue a very powerful shot through a pair of blasters on his shoulders.

4. Dino Knight Mode (Power Rangers Dino Fury)

Zayto initially has a special device called Dino Knight Morpher which allows him to transform into Dino Knight Mode. However, the device was lost during the fight against the Sporix Beast in the past.

Unexpectedly, the device was found by Tarrick and used to create the Void Knight armor. Despite this, Tarrick then returned the device to Zayto. With the device, Zayto was able to defeat Snageye.

3. T-Rex Super Charge Mode (Power Rangers Dino Charge)

The T-Rex Super Charger is a special device designed for Tyler Navarro. With these device, Tyler is able to use the power of the T-Rex Zord to the fullest. In addition, Tyler can also access weapons belonging to his friends.

However, Tyler had problems when he first tried to activate this mode. Thanks to the help of his friends, he also managed to access the T-Rex Super Charge Mode.

2. Shogun Mode (Power Rangers Super Samurai)

Shogun Mode is a proof that a Ranger has reached the highest level of their power. This armor basically gives the user great power, but it takes a lot of power to activate it.

When activating this form, Jayden Shiba aka the Red Ranger will get a very tough and cool armor. In addition, the kanji for the crown and helmet of the Red Ranger represent the symbol of fire.

1. Red Dragon Fire Ranger (Power Rangers Mystic Force)

When Nick Russell is trying to save his friends, Nick gets help from a dragon named Fire Heart. By combining their powers, Nick is able to transform into the Red Dragon Fire Ranger.

Nick's new form looks very interesting because he looks more like a samurai than a wizard. Not only that, Nick is able to issue a very strong fire attack like a dragon fighting fiercely.

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