All Megazords in Power Rangers Ninja Storm

In Power Rangers Ninja Storm, the Rangers must face a villain named Lothor who intends to rule the Earth. He has many powerful monster subordinates that can turn into giants.

To deal with this threat, the Rangers have powerful Zords that can combine and transform into Megazords. There are many interesting Megazords with various configuration in Ninja Storm. Come on, let's see below!

1. Storm Megazord

Storm Megazord is the main Megazord of Wind Ranger created from a combination of Hawkzord, Lionzord, and Dolphinzord. This megazord is able to summon a secret weapon called the Power Sphere that can be used in battle.

In addition to relying on the Power Sphere, Storm Megazord is able to issue attacks from Lionzord and Dolphinzord. Although the final attack of the Power Sphere is quite variable, Storm Megazord usually uses Triple Strike to end the battle. In order to use that technique, the three Wind Rangers needed to wield the Serpent Sword.

2. Storm Megazord Lightning Mode

What's interesting about Storm Megazord, it is able to change into Lightning Mode which makes the Megazord look slimmer. Because of that, Lightning Mode is very superior in terms of speed and agility.

In this mode, the Storm Megazord is equipped with two blades on both arms. With the sword, Storm Megazord Lightning Mode is able to attack the enemy at a very high speed and end the battle with a final attack called the very distinctive Ramp Attack.

3. Thunder Megazord

As the name implies, the Thunder Megazord is the main Megazord belonging to the Thunder Ranger. The two Rangers can summon this Megazord by combining their Crimson Thunderzord and Navy Thunderzord. Like the Storm Megazord, the Thunder Megazord also uses the Power Sphere in combat.

4. Thunderstorm Megazord

Thunderstorm Megazord is a combination of Storm and Thunder Megazord. Before activating this fusion, the Red Ranger and the Crimson Ranger must summon two special Power Spheres which then form the Minizord.

After that, the Minizord will split into two parts to form the head and fist helmet parts of the Thunderstorm Megazord. The final attack from this Megazord is called Lion Blaster which is a massive energy shot from Lionzord, Dolphinzord, and Crimson Thunderzord simultaneously.

5. Samurai Star Megazord

The Samurai Star Megazord is Cam Watanabe's personal Megazord aka the Green Ranger. By activating the combat mode of Samurai Star Chopper, the Zord will transform into Megazord form.

The body of the Megazord is quite interesting because it is made of helicopter blades. In addition, the Samurai Star Megazord is also equipped with a Power Sphere as an additional weapon.

6. Samurai Storm Megazord

As the name implies, this Megazord is a combination of Samurai Star Chopper and Storm Megazord. When these two Megazords merge, Samurai Star Chopper will replace Dolphinzord as Storm Megazord's right-hand man.

This megazord can fire a powerful shot from the back of the Samurai Star Chopper helicopter.

7. Samurai Thunder Megazord

As in the previous case, Samurai Star Chopper can be combined with the Thunder Megazord to create new variations of the Megazord. In the Samurai Thunder Megazord formation, the helicopter's legs will form a cannon cannon between the Thunderzord's heads.

The cannon can be activated simultaneously with the two smaller cannons on the Megazord's lower body. Interestingly, this merger allows this Megazord to fly through the air.

8. Hurricane Megazord

Hurricane Megazord is one of the strongest Megazords belonging to Power Rangers Ninja Storm because this Megazord is a combination of the Storm Megazord, Thunder Megazord, and Samurai Star Megazord.

The Red Ranger, Crimson Ranger, and Green Ranger must use three Power Spheres that can summon the Ninja Firebird in order for their three Megazords to join forces. After that, Ninja Firebird will combine with other Zord to form Hurricane Megazord. However, the Dolphinzord did not join the formation.

Hurricane Megazord has a mainstay technique called Typhoon Power in the form of a very strong tornado that is able to defeat the body of a giant monster to shreds.

9. Thunderstorm Ultrazord

Thunderstorm Ultrazord is a combination of Thunderstorm Megazord and Mighty Mamothzord. The size of this Ultrazord is extremely fantastic. This formation is quite unique because the Thunderstorm Megazord will ride the body of the Mammothzord.

10. Hurricane Ultrazord

Hurricane Ultrazord is the strongest Megazord/Ultrazord owned by Power Ranger Ninja Storm. Like the previous Ultrazord, this formation is also quite interesting because the Hurricane Megazord will ride the Mammothzord's body.

In terms of strength, this Ultrazord is a combination of the strengths of the Wind Ranger, Thunder Ranger, Green Ranger, and Mammothzord. Not only that, this Ultrazord also utilizes all existing Power Spheres, except for the Ninja Scarf and Super Stamp.

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